André Lopes

Google DSC at University's Journal

I was interviewed by my University's journal about the Google Developer Student Clubs, its application, my approval, benefits and obligations. It was an honor to be interviewed by them.

Google DSC at University's Journal

The University's official journal contacted me once they knew I got accepted to found a chapter of the Google Developer Student Clubs at our university, Uninter.

We spoke about the application process, how I did manage to get approved, and the main objectives of the program: promote the creative thinking, the team work, and provide real-world experiences for the students while still on university. We invited all the students not only to watch our Info Session event but also to apply for our open positions for the Core Team; student from all backgrounds and majors are welcome, the only prerequisite is having the will to help the community and leave an legacy of positive impact.

Google Developer Student Clubs bridge the gap between Theory and Practical Application for students.


Want to know more?

If you have any questions, curiosities or want any further details, please drop me a line!