André Lopes

"Nas Ondas da Politécnica" Arts and Digital Tech

"Nas Ondas da Politécnica" is a fully technical program held by the polytechnic school of Uninter university. I was invited for this episode, to discuss Arts and how Digital Technologies influence them.

"Nas Ondas da Politécnica" Arts and Digital Tech

"Nas Ondas da Politécnica" is a fully technical program held by the polytechnic school of Uninter university. I was invited for this episode, to discuss Arts and how Digital Technologies influence them.

The preservation of cultural collections is vital for the maintenance of a people's identity and culture, in addition to generating an economic impact derived from activities related to these collections and tourism. Prof. Dr. Leonardo Gomes is an expert in ultra-definition 3D mapping and rendering for keeping track of deterioration and manage restoration of cultural collections.

It was such a pleasure to be invited to this event; I was happily informed that this episode was one of the most viewed of the series.

Want to know more?

If you have any questions, curiosities or want any further details, please drop me a line!